Two Solar PV arrays were installed on the roof of an Extra Care Scheme in Merthyr. The building consists of 59 flats with large communal areas. They have a communal kitchen and laundry flats. The scheme was built in 2012.
The solar PV panels feed into the communal supply that feeds the flats and communal area. The Total Installed Capacity is 38.48kWh with an estimated annual generation of 31,982kWh. This equates to an estimated 10% saving in electricity costs which is then passed on to the residents.
The key learning from this project is that the generation is fully used so there is no need for battery storage (which was originally the plan). The future learning is to design the solar PV array before future grant claims.
The billing method at this extra care property allowed the use of just one invertor. This means Hafod can pay the reduced electricity bill and pass on savings equally to the residents so everyone gets an equal share.
A room the inverter was installed in needed retrospective ventilation, due to the heat being generated setting off the heat alarm and fire alarm