This project had 33 properties, which included flats, bungalows and 2b and 3b houses split between 11 separate sites across Carmarthenshire, including a mix of standalone properties and whole streets.
Measures proposed
The project was based on optimised retrofit works to 33 homes with works to include window and door replacements, PV installations and external or internal wall insulation installations as well as attic insulation upgrades, electric heating upgrades, smart cylinder installations and ventilation upgrades. There was also a requirement of the funding to install IES (Intelligent Energy Systems) monitoring equipment, which will provide data back to Welsh Government on the effectiveness of the measures adopted.
Bro Myrddin entered into a contract with TyCroes Group for Decarbonisation.
To ensure that the arrangement with TyCroes remained cost effective and well managed Bro Myrddin engaged the support of a Contracts Administrator. Although the main contracts were with TyCroes much of the works were carried out by sub-contractors with TyCroes obtaining quotations (in competition) and taking overall responsibility for managing the works effectively and safely.
The following works have been carried out across the properties identified:
- 30 External windows and door
- 29 PV
- 28 Mixergy SolarX Smart Hot Water Cylinders
- 10 Quantum heating upgrades
- 31 IES / Environmental monitors
- 5 External wall insulation
- 3 internal wall insulation
- 22 Ventilation upgrades
- 2 cavity wall inspections
- 31 Attic insulation upgrades
This was Bro Myrddin’s first round of funding and as such staff were stepping into a new territory requiring new skills. The process of applying for funding, identifying properties and instructing a competent contractor were all challenges faced throughout the project. Bro Myrddin entered into contract with TyCroes Group who are a trusted supplier where we already have a strong relationship. Being able to work in partnership was important to Bro Myrddin and so we were happy to work with a partner we knew would carry out good quality work using local resources.
Bro Myrddin also faced a challenge in terms of needing to be able to identify properties and measures to be carried out in a relatively short space of time without having full information on asset data. Subsequent rounds of funding have been easier as asset data is more readily available.