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Showing 46 - 54 of 89 results
  • Croft Court by Mid Wales Housing Authority

    A Passivehouse development using high performance home grown timber frame, utilising solar PV. There will be opportunities for training in the use of the timber frame construction used on site.

    Croft Court by Mid Wales Housing Authority
  • Caerphilly Magistrates Court by Linc Cymru

    A Passivhouse development using a fabric first approach. The energy efficient development will be super-insulated and consume low levels of energy, with solar panels on the roof generating daytime electricity.

    Caerphilly Magistrates Court by Linc Cymru
  • Aberdare Extra Care by Linc Cymru

    Modular construction development delivered under the IHP, using a hybrid of structural insulated panels and steel frames.

    Aberdare Extra Care by Linc Cymru
  • Maes Glyndwr by Grwp Cynefin

    Delivered under IHP using a fabric first approach and a modular construction. Ready-made, two-bedroom homes are designed to retain heat, with environmentally friendly timber frames that help keep the properties warm.

    Maes Glyndwr by Grwp Cynefin
  • Bodnant Apartments by Denbighshire Council

    Passivehouse development – part of Denbighshire Council’s target to provide 170 more council homes by 2022

    Bodnant Apartments by Denbighshire Council
  • Greenfarm Hostel – Cardiff Council

    Off site construction using re-purposed shipping containers to address homelessness.



    Greenfarm Hostel – Cardiff Council
  • Bute Street Containers by Cardiff Council

    Offsite temporary accommodation using shipping containers on council land at Bute Town as ‘meanwhile use’ with leases lasting up to 5 years.  Each will benefit from solar PV with the benefits fed back directly to residents.  The containers will then be moved to other council owned sites.

    Bute Street Containers by Cardiff Council
  • Ty Cyfle by Bron Afon Housing Association

    A Passivehouse project utilising Modcell (straw bale and hemp), Wikihouse and SIPS. Manufactured on site or very nearby, thereby reducing the carbon footprint to Passivhaus standard.

    Ty Cyfle by Bron Afon Housing Association
  • Maes Y Ysgol by Clwyd Alyn

    Delivered under IHP, using a Passivhouse solution with off site construction and a local labour force in Holyhead.

    Maes Y Ysgol by Clwyd Alyn